スコットランド国立美術館 THE GREATS 美の巨匠たち
THE GREATS. Masterpieces from the National Galleries of Scotland
Tuesday, 4 October – Sunday, 20 November 2022

本展では、スコットランドが誇る至宝の中から、ラファエロ、エル・グレコ、ベラスケス、レンブラント、ブーシェなど、ルネサンス期から19世紀後半までの西洋絵画史を彩る巨匠たちの作品を展示します。さらに、同館を特徴づける、ゲインズバラ、レノルズ、ターナー、ミレイといったイングランド出身の画家に加え、日本ではなかなか見ることのできない、ラムジー、レイバーン、ウィルキーなどスコットランドの画家たちの名品も多数出品します。美術史に輝く巨匠たち(THE GREATS)の競演をお楽しみください。
The National Galleries of Scotland is home to one of the world’s leading collections of Western art, a vast treasure trove of fine quality of pieces.
This exhibition displays about 90 pieces by master artists such as Rafael, El Greco, Velázquez, Rembrandt, and Boucher, truly “THE GREATS”, from among the National Galleries of Scotland’s finest treasures, including oil paintings, watercolour paintings and drawings, covering the history of Western art from the Renaissance period through to the second half of the 19th century. The exhibition forms a veritable textbook charting the development of fine art in the West.
The works on display also include many pieces from Scotland and England that are representative of the National Galleries, including pieces by Gainsborough, Reynolds, Tuner, Millais, Ramsey, Raeburn, and Wilkie etc. Those paintings will provide a perfect introduction to the history of British fine art stemming from cultural exchanges between Britain and Europe.
※会場内での撮影についてはこちら- イメージ動画
制作:Edix - 展覧会公式サイト
Special Website - 会期
Period - 2022年10月4日(火)~2022年11月20日(日)
Tuesday, 4 October – Sunday, 20 November 2022 - 会場
Venue - 北九州市立美術館 本館
Kitakyushu Municipal Museum of Art, Main Building - 開館時間
Opening Hours 9時30分~17時30分(入館は17時まで)
- 毎週土曜日は、20時まで(入館は19時30分まで)の夜間開館を行います。
9:30-17:30 (Last admission 17:00)
Saturdays 9:30-20:00 (Last admission 19:30)
- 休館日
Closed 月曜日 Mondays
- ただし、10月10日(月)は開館し、翌11日(火)が休館。11月14日(月)は特別開館
Open the Mondays of 10 October and 14 November 2022.
Closed the Tuesday, 11 October 2022.
- 観覧料
Admission Fees 一般 1,500(1,300)円 Adults 1,500(1,300)yen
高大生 1,200(1,000)円 College students/ High school students 1,200(1,000)yen
小中生 800 (600)円 Elementary school students/ Junior high school students 800(600)yen
- ( )内は前売りおよび20名以上の団体料金。なお障害者手帳を提示の方は無料。北九州市在住の65歳以上の方は2割減免(公的機関発行の証明書等の提示が必要)。
- 前売り券は、公式オンラインチケット(展覧会公式サイトより)、ローソンチケット、チケットぴあ、セブンチケット、e+イープラス、小倉井筒屋、北九州モノレール主要駅などで販売。
- オンラインチケット、デジタルチケットは、展覧会開催中は当日料金での販売となります。
*Numbers in parenthesis indicate the discount fees for advance ticket and for visitors in a group of 20 people or more.
*Disabled visitors admitted free charge (Please present your disability identification upon arrival). Seniors 65 and older living in Kitakyushu City admitted 20% discount charge (Please present your identification upon arrival)
*Advance tickets available through exhibition official website (ONLINE TICKET), Lawson ticket, Ticket Pia, Seven Tickets, e-plus, Izutsuya Kokura and mainline stations of Kitakyushu Monorail etc.
*Advanced tickets sales period (ONLINE TICKET and digital tickets): through 3 October 2022.
*In Japanese-language only
- 主催
Organized by - グレイツ展実行委員会(北九州市立美術館、毎日新聞社、NHK北九州放送局)
THE GREATS Executive Committee (Kitakyushu Municipal Museum of Art, The Mainichi Newspapers, NHK Kitakyushu Station)
- 協賛
Sponsored by - 信越化学工業、DNP大日本印刷、アサヒビール、ダイワ化成
Shin-Etsu Chemical Co., Ltd., Dai Nippon Printing Co., Ltd. (DNP), ASAHI BREWERIES, LTD., DaiwaKasei Co., Ltd.
- 後援
Supported by ブリティッシュ・カウンシル、福岡日英協会、九州旅客鉄道株式会社、
株式会社スターフライヤー、北九州市、北九州市教育委員会British Council, The Fukuoka Japan-British Society, Kyushu Railway Company, Nishi-Nippon Railroad Co., Ltd., Kitakyushu Urban Monorail Co., Ltd., Chikuho Electric Railroad Co., Ltd., Star Flyer Inc., City of Kitakyushu, City of Kitakyushu Board of Education
- 助成
Subsidized by - 公益財団法人 福岡文化財団 The Fukuoka Cultural Foundation
- 協力
Cooperation with - 日本航空、ルフトハンザカーゴ AG JAPAN AIRLINES, Lufthansa Cargo AG
- 本展は、政府による美術品補償制度の適用を受けています。
This exhibition is covered by the Japanese Act on the Indemnification of Damage to Works of Art in Exhibitions (Act No.17 of 2011).
会場内撮影について 平日のみ全作品写真撮影可能です。動画は不可。
You can take pictures of all works on this exhibition. Videography is forbidden.
*To prevent crowding, you can NOT take pictures of any works on this exhibition on Saturdays, Sundays and National Holidays.
*The pictures should only be for your personal use, and must not be duplicated, distributed, nor used in any other way for commercial purposes.
*Taking pictures is allowed for personal use, without tripods, monopods, selfie sticks and flash. Please regard the general courtesy towards other visitors and don’t disturb their viewing in case you do take pictures.
- 展覧会関連イベント
Special Events Ⅰ 講演会「画家と権力者 ――エル・グレコ作品から読み解く――」 <講演会は終了しました>
Ⅰ Lecture “Relationship between art and power as seen in the paintings by El Greco”
<This event has been finished.>
Lecturer/ Associate Prof. Sai Kadota (The University of Kitakyshu, Faculty of Humanities)
Date and time/ Sunday, 9 October 2022, 11:00-12:00
Venue/ Kitakyushu Municipal Museum Art, Main Building Annex, Lecture Room(3F)
*Free admission. No reservation required. Audience limit: 80 people.
*In Japanese-language only.
Ⅱ ハープコンサート「ハープの夕べ」 演奏/打越あゆみ氏
Ⅱ Harp Concert. A musical evening with harps.
Harpist/ Ayumi Uchikoshi (Grand harp and Irish Harp)
<This event has been finished.>
Date and time/ Saturday, 29 October 2022, 18:00-18:30
Venue/ Kitakyushu Municipal Museum of Art, Main Building, Entrance Hall(1F)
*Free admission. No reserved seats.
*Museum Shop will close during the concert (18:00-18:30)
Ⅲ 学芸員によるスライドトーク <終了しました>
Ⅲ Slide Talk
<This event has been finished.>
Date and time/ Sunday, 30 October 2022, 14:00-14:30
Venue/ Kitakyushu Municipal Museum Art, Main Building Annex, Community Gallery(1F)
*Free admission. No reserved seats. Audience limit: 20 people.
*In Japanese-language only
*Admission will be restricted as necessary if the maximum number of audiences is exceeded.
*The latest event information will be provided in this page.

Attributed to Andrea del Verrocchio, The Virgin Adoring the Christ Child ('The Ruskin Madonna'), about 1470, tempera and oil on canvas, transferred from panel

El Greco, Christ Blessing ('The Saviour of the World'), about 1600, oil on canvas.

Diego Velázquez, An Old Woman Cooking Eggs, 1618, oil on canvas.

Rembrandt van Rijn, A Woman in Bed, 1647, oil on canvas.

François Boucher, A Pastoral Scene (from the left, 'L'Aimable Pastorale' 1762, 'L'Offrande à la Villageoise' 1761, 'La Jardinière Endormie' 1762,), oil on canvas.

Sir Joshua Reynolds, The Ladies Waldegrave, 1780-81, oil on canvas.

Sir John Everett Millais, 'Sweetest eyes were ever seen', 1881, oil on canvas.

Joseph Mallord William Turner, Somer Hill, Tonbridge, 1811, oil on canvas.
© Trustees of the National Galleries of Scotland